Category: Blog

Aug 19
Samsung Galaxy S Teardown and Review

Believe it or not, this is one of the easiest teardowns we’ve performed to date! The device is built well and easily disassembled – vast improvements over previous attempts (AHEM OMNIA). We admit, it hurt a bit to take this thing apart – it’s such a nice device. Teardown Analysis Step 1: Removing the Back […]

Aug 05
Sony Xperia X10 Mini Pro Teardown and Review

Introduction Testing is done, we’re ready to tear this puppy apart. As with all of our teardowns, pictures are worth a thousand words – we definitely haven’t skimped here! The device is cleverly built. Sliders are always a little bit trickier to take apart as manufacturers tend to get creative with the placement of their […]

Jul 26
BlackBerry Bold 9650 Teardown and Review

Introduction Our fantastic friends over at iFixit got lucky and scored a BlackBerry Bold 9650 yesterday. They were nice enough to share some images – let the analysis begin! Teardown Process RIM makes a solid device. They come apart easily, everything is modular, held in with a minimal number of well-placed and cleverly hidden screws. […]

Jul 13
Sharp 841SH Teardown and Analysis

Introduction Sharp’s “Waterproof” and Dustproof 841SH came by our desks and we couldn’t resist taking it apart. Most of the devices we teardown are built by large well-known ODMs or OEMs and have fairly distinguishable reference designs. We knew that Japanese devices were different. What kind of ICs did they use? Are these Asian phones […]

Jun 24
iPhone 4 Teardown Analysis!

iPhone 4 Teardown Analysis! Our fantastic friends over at iFixit got lucky and scored an iPhone 4 yesterday. They were nice enough to share some images – let the analysis begin! Exterior and Build Quality Apple really has built a fantastic device. From the super durable “strong as crystal” display to the minimal construction tolerances […]

Jul 19
iPhone 3Gs – Teardown and Analysis

Introduction The unboxing – courtesy of iFixit Apple “surprised” us early this month with the announcement of its iPhone 3G “s”. Whenever Apple releases a new device, everyone and their brother/sister has to get involved. Dr. Wreck is no exception and has been working hard with the team over at iFixit to get the details […]